The goal of the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program is to provide students the interdisciplinary training in biological and medical sciences, physical sciences, and engineering necessary to solve complex biomedical problems. Faculty members from engineering, biomedical sciences, materials sciences, chemistry, physics, medicine, and dental medicine form an interdisciplinary graduate degree program that spans the University of Connecticut campuses at Storrs and at the University of Connecticut Health Center (UCHC) in Farmington.Students with a B.S. degree in BME are ideally suited for the BME M.S. and Ph.D. studies at UConn. Students with a B.S. degree in engineering, physical sciences or mathematics may seek admission to the BME Program at UConn. Students with a non-engineering degree will need to take at least the required undergraduate BME courses at UConn: BME 3500, 3600W, and 3700. Descriptions of undergraduate courses can be found in the
Undergraduate Catalog. Students with life science and mathematics undergraduate degrees must take remedial course work in basic and advanced engineering and/or mathematics (two years through differential equations) and the required undergraduate BME courses at UConn. Note that these undergraduate courses do not count toward the BME graduate program degree requirements.
For information concerning the M.S. and Ph.D. programs, please follow the links below:
M.S. Program
Ph.D. Program
Candidacy and Plan of Study
To become a candidate for a graduate degree, the student must have on file with the Graduate School a plan of study prepared with the aid and approval of an advisory committee and approved by the Executive Committee of the Graduate Faculty Council. The Plan of Study form can be found at Graduate School Website-Forms. In order for a student to be eligible for graduation with a graduate degree, the student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. More details can be found in the Graduate Catalog.